Thursday, August 14, 2014

Human Life - What Does God Say About Abortion?

Many people don’t think that God has an opinion on abortion just because he doesn’t say the word “abortion.” The problem with this thinking is that God is very obvious about his views on murder when he told Moses, “Do not murder.” Generally, most lay people don’t understand that abortion is murder.  Those who do know it, don’t want to accept the truth. People tend to divorce life and religion when they work hand in hand. However, the questions about the value of life are questions of religion whether or not that religion is organized. Everyone has an opinion whether they want to or not.

First, the baby... is the baby human? If the fetus inside the mother isn’t human then it doesn’t inherently have the same rights as you and I.  Getting an abortion becomes just a personal preference.  But if the fetus is human, then it has every right to life as you and I. Looking to the Bible for truth, we can see that not only is the fetus human, it is made in the image of God therefore rendering inherent value. In Psalm 139:13-16 God said that He made us in our mother’s womb giving us value. 

The question of if a human mother bears human children is laughed at in the academia world. Embryologists are not significantly disputing this fact.  Those who do dispute that human life starts at conception, can’t come to a conclusion of when it actually starts.

Second, we are made in the image of God. Genesis 1:26-27 says that we are made in his image and likeness. Since we are made with the purpose of bearing God’s image, we have value.

Lastly, if we put all these facts together we can see a clear, biblical argument against abortion.  Since life starts at conception and has inherent value we can conclude that abortion is murder.  Since murder is wrong according to God, then we can know that the Bible is against abortion. 

After all, if our relationship with God is so legalistic that we can’t trust that He knows the better for us unless he writes out every little detail, then it’s not a trusting relationship.  If a mother would say, “Don’t run out into the street without looking both ways,” she wouldn’t find it acceptable for her child to run out into a specific street without looking just because she didn’t specifically say which roads.  We don’t expect our parents to lay out every detail of life and the things we can’t do, so why do we expect that from God?  He said, “Don’t murder.” Murder is murder. By saying that he didn’t specifically say that abortion is wrong is missing his point.

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